The New Issue of Rolling Stone: Barack Obama So Far

August 5th, 2009 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Photo: Illustration by Shepard Fairey Based on a photograph by Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP Images

Change-maker or overeager compromiser? The new issue of Rolling Stone, out today, features a roundtable of leading political observers — David Gergen, Paul Krugman and Michael Moore — assessing the first six months of Barack Obama’s presidency. The full story appears on newsstands, but “Report Cards” on Obama’s victories and blunders regarding economic recovery, health care, the environment and education are available here:

• Obama So Far

Also in this issue: Jeff Goodall interviews America’s foremost climate-change expert, James Hansen. Plus, how Blink-182 survived their bitter breakup and an extraordinary look at the life of cantankerous drummer Ginger Baker, who is currently living in a gated compound in South Africa.

Plus six artists to watch (including Drake and Little Boots), the latest on the battle over Michael Jackson’s estate, on the road with Green Day, and Rob Sheffield reviews the Arctic Monkeys’ Humbug. For a full rundown of Issue 1085, check out the table of contents and stay tuned for our online exclusives.


Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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